CallRail Conversation Intelligence Cross-Sell
Duration: 1.5 months | Role: UX Designer |Team: Tiffani Rase (Content Strategist), Christina Bourne (PM), & Katie Hoang (UX Designer)
Tools used: Figma, Figjam | Methods: Customer journey mapping, Data gathering and analysis Wire-framing, Rapid prototyping, Competitive analysis, Feedback synthesis
Conversation Intelligence is one out of CallRail’s 4 analytical products. CI has the least amount of trials between CallRail’s other 3 products due to the lack of planned sales/marketing outreach because of competing priorities. Marketing wanted to still achieve their back to base goals, but through in-app cross-sell placement. This sprung the collaboration between product marketing and UX to blow the dust off our our current cross-sell strategy and innovate a cross-sell experience that would be contextual while being in a high-traffic spot to achieve 50% more trials month over month.
We have an opportunity to satisfy the business requirement of organically achieving higher trial activation and attachment rates for CI without sales involvement and a user opportunity to bring awareness to how CI can help businesses eliminate manual tasks and incorporate automation to make their workflow more efficient.
Avoid a freemium product
Callrail is not trying to be a product where it is free to access, but upon entering, the user experiences too many pay walls through disabled and locked states. That strips the value of the product and prevents users from reaching time to value.
Avoid interrupting their workflow
For the cross-sell to be received well, we need to meet users where they are in their task flow. We need to approach them in a discovery mindset to have a purposeful cross-sell.
Acknowledge the learning curve of feature adoption
The meat of CI is automation. And to see the power of that feature, users need to create an automation rule, which can be daunting. We needed to get user's to invest cognitive effort in learning the feature with a convincing sell on its value.
Leveraging our research repository, which included past user interviews and anecdotes, we validated our assumptions and took new insights that included:
- The main segment of existing CI users are agency and marketing followed by healthcare. Interviews show transcripts are useful for these verticals to assure their sales desk reps deliver reliable and accurate customer service.
- The setup of automation rules, which is a feature of CI, is not well adopted. Of the people who have bought CI, only 10% of them have created an automation rule! 😬
How can we take the testimonials of what our main adopters of CI like the best about the product , and translate the benefits in a convincing way that would lead the user to engage in a trial?
How can we orchestrate the onboarding of a more complicated feature?
Competitive Analysis
I did some market analysis on e-commerce platforms that were attempting to cross-sell another product in their product suite. This helped me better understand the differences between an up-sell and a cross-sell, but also how to execute a cross-sell that is relevant and mapped to user intent. A real life example is wanting the cross-sell to feel like a warm call versus a cold call.
I collaborated closely with a UX content strategist and UI design systems manager to work through potential ideas.
My content strategist partner helped to craft content in both before and after states of the cross-sell that was timely and relevant to what the user would need to know before activating a product trial and after unlocking a product trial.
Getting UI design input was important to assure all patterns used or iterated upon would be evergreen in our design system.
Iterations after feedback via prototype
Blank State
There were varying blank states and pop-up patterns to give users an affordance to activate the product trial. Users were clicking “X” or “not now” immediately. We had an opportunity to ideate for a more effective interaction experience.
Solution - I collaborated with our PM, UI designer, and content strategist to understand what made the existing experience not yield successful conversions and came up with a landing page that communicated to the user the value prop of the feature and showed templates in a disabled state to give a peak behind the curtain.
Stronger strategic tie for cross-sell
CI has a higher learning investment needed to adopt the product and feel that it is “worth it”. Knowing this, we were trying to find the middle ground of cross-selling a value prop of CI that would be the most essential to connecting the user closer to their AHA moment.
Solution - To have a cross-sell be received in a timely way, we wanted to intercept the user in their discovery mindset. This means being sure to avoid interrupting their workflow with an ad. After a decision elimination activity, we found the maximum value prop of CI was the automation rules. Asserting a cross-sell in this feature paired with a multi-step rule creation pendo guide that launches after the user starts their trial, orchestrates an onboarding experience, which aims to lead the user closer to their time to value.
After iterating on the designs and finding the balance between achieving user goals and business goals, our development team started working in a sprint to ship this design.
Transcript cross-sell
The cross-sell tells users they could be saving time from manually listening to transcripts contextually.
Transcript post activation
After users activate the transcript, they are put directly into the interface of the transcript and can set data accordingly.
Automation Rules
The automation rules page lets users explore the page and see the templated automation rules users can easily setup.
This was the start of building bridges and a common creative language between Callrail’s UX and Growth team. It was a very collaborative effort to hone in our approach and make sure the user is supported from a user and business perspective. For example, my content strategist partner built a pendo onboarding guide that would take users through how to create their first automation rule. This was supposed to curb a user’s learning curve to creating their first automation rule, which we knew was a hard feature for users to integrate into their workflow.
How did it do? Success metrics:
In 2 months, the cross-sell over-achieved the goal of hitting 73 trials per month, by getting 80 trials. It is now the highest performing cross-sell we have in the app to date.
The cross-sell has an 80% attachment rate
There have been more cross-collaboration between product marketing and UX since this project to achieve product-led growth for Callrail!